Today has been a very emotional day for me. One year back at 4.00 a.m in the morning I was discovered by lab in Room 7627 of Heart Hospital, soaked in blood.
At 10 p.m the previous night, my Hb had dropped to 8.6, dispite being on oral Iron thrice a day (1000% of daily recommended dose). I had a fever of 102 and my WBC was up to 19 inspite of being on continous intravenous antibiotics. It was a week since my c section and I still had a foley between my legs.
Dr Bajaj was called who asked for a chest X ray and said she will look at me in the morning (because she had already seen me once during that 24 hour day). My dressing was changed and wound was dripping blood. I was asked to be given Tylenol and Motrin and go to sleep.
Bharat exhausted sleeps in the couch. I am no longer on telemetry. I start feeling some warm fluid running down my legs. I thought it was urine, my foley had come loose. It continues to flow. I try to wake Bharat but cant sleep. Thankfully lab came and saved me. It was my own blood running down my legs.
A second CTA revealed I had no PE or DVT. I never needed Coumadin or Heparin. I am taken to OR again to drain the abscess. This is done without anaesthesia as giving spinal could have causes paralysis.
I survived inspite of all this because of the excellent shape I was in before starting on blood thinners. Inspite of all her efforts to kill me or making me sick for life by placing IVC Filter and keeping me on thinners, I escaped with the grace of god.
Yes, I have a huge physical scar running across my abdomen, but I walk, drive, breastfeed and am with my son and family. Today is the one year annivesary of my new birthday.
I am one! and I am really happy to be One!!