Friday 1 August 2008

Emergency C Section

So we go to L and D. My heart rate is in 100-110. I am so pissed with the doctor. Because mine had been such an uneventful pregnancy, I had never gotten to test the medical acument of doctor. They were all so routine and I believed that because I was visiting her regularly she would have discovered if something was wrong. Neither of us had lunch. They admit me and put in cervidil to ripen my cervix. Say they will start pitocin in the morning after 12 hours of cervidil. I call up my neighbor to go in from the garage door and get my bag and Cord blood kit.

Within the next hour baby's heart rate dips again. RN calls my OB. She tells me that OB has said we wont start pitocin and do a c section in the morning if cervix doesnt ripen but she doesnt comes to see me

They give me oxygen and ask me to sleep. 45 minutes later, several people rush to my room. Arnav's heartrate is in 60's. Dr Bajaj is called again and we had to do an Emergency C section

Me who wanted to go completely natural had to have a C section without even laboring. Me and my husband thank my stars that we didnt listen to doctor and left. I even shudder to think what would have happenned.

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